T-Spine Extension Smash with Foam Roller

  • Position the roller at the base of your ribcage. Wrap your arms into a big hug, sucking up the slack in your back, pulling all the soft tissue and the scapular out of the way.
  • Create an extension force over the roller by arching your back, from this position spend as much time as possible until you feel change.
  • Sit up like you’re doing a crunch and keep the majority of your weight positioned over the roller, scoot your butt to your feet, slide your back down the roller.
  • Progress up your spine to the base of your neck. To create more tension over the roller, squeeze your butt and elevate your hips as you arch your back.
  • Improves: neutral spinal positions, shoulder function, thoracic mobility and neck, upper back, and shoulder pain.

Yoga Tune Up Shoulder Rotator Smash and Floss

  • Position a YTU Ball right above the insertion of your lat near your armpit. This is where the external rotators insert behind your shoulder. It is important to note that there’s no right or wrong way. The goal is to get some pressure on the ball. If you want something a little more aggressive, than you can roll onto your side to get some additional weight over your shoulder.
  • With the tissue behind your shoulder tacked down, rotate your hand toward the ground.
  • Internally rotate (bring palm to ground by body) your arm until you reach your end range. From here, you can continue to move your hand back and forth (externally and internally rotate).
  • Improves: Shoulder function overall, allows for greater range of motion, and decreases shoulder pain.

Couch Stretch or Half Kneeling

  • On hands and knees back your feet up to the side of a box.
    Slide your left leg back, driving your knee into the corner and positioning your left shin and foot flush side with the side of the box.
  • Squeezing your left glute to stabilize your lower back, post up on your right foot keeping your shin vertical.
  • Drive your kips toward the ground. With your leg in full flexion (heel to butt), pull the tissue slack to end range (quad and hip) making it extremely difficult and painful to open up your hips.
  • Hang out in the position for one minute and then lift your chest up further. If guest finds it difficult have them support themselves with a box or PVC roller for extra stability.
  • Improves: Hip and lower back pain.

Glute/Hip Smash

  • Position the Yoga Tune Up Ball in the side of your hip.
  • With the ball tacking down the underlying muscle, move the surrounding tissue around by externally rotating your leg (dropping the knee outward on the mat).
  • Continue to floss the tacked-down tissue by pulling your knee in toward your center.
    In addition to smashing and flossing with internal and external rotation of your leg (moving your knee outward and inward towards your body), slowly roll from side to side across your glute.
  • Focus on pancaking across the grain of the tissue in a pressure wave fashion. If you stumble across a particularly painful area, contract and release until you get to the bottom of the tissue.
  • Improves: Hip and low back pain, relieves tension/tightness in glutes and hamstrings

Yoga Tune Up Ball Knee Gap and Smash

  • Position a YTU Ball behind your knee on the inside of your leg.
  • Curl your heel toward your butt and use both hands to pull your leg in tight. This creates a large compression force that targets your lower hamstring and upper calf.
  • Still pull on your shin with both hands, start to move your foot around in all directions. To increase the pressure, plant your foot on the ground and scoot your butt toward your heel.
  • Do the same to the outer side of your leg behind your knee.
  • Improves: Knee pain, knee flexion and extension, creates for a greater range of motion without catches.

Plantar Surface Smash

  • Step on a lacrosse ball (yoga tune up), positioning it anywhere on your plantar surface, and apply as much pressure as you can handle.
  • Contract and relax on stiff areas and pressure wave up and down or across the tissue.
  • Take your time and focus on quality smashing – have intention.
  • It should take you at least two minutes to traverse the foot, add more pressure by standing
  • Improves: Foot Pain (plantar fasciitis).

Full Body

Use this routine as standard preventative self maintenance on your entire body. All techniques should be mildly uncomfortable yet remember pain is not the goal.

Breathe throughout every technique and find the tight spots for you. Additionally, it may be more realistic to select 1-2 and weave into your connect time or after training.

T-Spine Extension with Foam Roll2:00
YTU Ball Shoulder Smash2:00/side
YTU Ball Lower Back2:00/side
Couch Stretch2:00/side
YTU Ball - Calves2:00/side
Plantar Surface Smash2:00/side


Ankle & Foot

Use this routine as standard preventative self maintenance on your knees. All techniques should be mildly uncomfortable yet remember pain is not the goal. Remember to breathe throughout and find the tight spots for you.

Plantar Fascia YTU Ball2:00/side
Heal Smash Mobilization2:00/side
Toe Re-animator Mobilization2:00/side
Toe Dorsiflexion2:00/side
Toe Plantarflexion2:00/side
Calf Foam Roll/YTU Ball2:00/side
VooDoo Floss Ankle2:00/side with full ROM


Use this routine as standard preventative self maintenance on your knees. All techniques should be mildly uncomfortable yet remember pain is not the goal. Remember to breathe throughout and find the tight spots for you.

Yoga Tune Up - Calves2:00/side
Yoga Tune Up - Knee Pumps2:00/side
Yoga Tune Up - Inside Knee2:00/side
Yoga Tune Up - Knee Extension2:00/side
Yoga Tune Up - Outside Knee2:00/side
Foam Roll - Quads2:00/side


Use this routine as standard preventative self maintenance on your hips. All techniques should be mildly uncomfortable yet remember pain is not the goal.

Breathe throughout every technique and find the tight spots for you. Additionally, it may be more realistic to select 1-2 and weave into your connect time or after training.

Yoga Tune Up - Side Hip2:00/side
Yoga Tune Up - Glute2:00/side
Foam Roll - Hip Flexor2:00/side
King Pigeon Pose2:00/side
Banded Leg Lowering3 x 10/10
Half Kneeling or Couch Stretch2:00/side

Low Back

Use this routine as standard preventative self maintenance on your lower back. All techniques should be mildly uncomfortable yet remember pain is not the goal.

Breathe throughout every technique and find the tight spots for you. Additionally, it may be more realistic to select 1-2 and weave into your connect time or after training.

Yoga Tune Up - Low Back Smash2:00/side
T-Spine Extension on Foam Roll3:00
Hamstring Foam Roll2:00/side
Banded Hamstring4 x :10 on / :05 Rest /side
Yoga Tune Up - QL Side2:00/side
Courageous Ball - Gut Smash2:00/side
BREATHE - Cat Cow10/10
BREATHE - Superman5/5
BREATHE - Low Belly Supine5/5


Use this routine as preventative maintenance on your knees. All techniques to be uncomfortable yet pain is not the goal. Remember to breathe throughout.

YTU Ball Chest2:00/side
YTU Ball Scapula2:00/side
T-Spine Foam Roll2:00
T-Spine Wall Reach2:00
T-Spine 360 Rotation2x 5/side
Shoulder Banded2:00/side