Wellness wheel
- I recognize I create my own feelings and I am responsible for them.
- I am able to feel and label my emotions. I can express all ranges of feelings and emotions including but not limited to; sadness, hurt, fear, anger, and joy.
- I am able to comfort or console myself when I am troubled.
- I avoid blaming other people or situations for my feelings and or behaviors.
- Others would describe me as emotionally stable.
- I exercise 2-3 times a week.
- I eat a balanced and nourishing diet.
- I manage my stress and do some activity daily that promotes the relaxation response for at least 10 minutes.
- I take proactive steps to avoid and prevent injury, illness and disease (i.e. preventative care).
- I abstain from addictions (i.e. nicotine, alcohol, illicit drugs).
- I communicate honestly and directly.
- I resolve conflict in a healthy, timely manner.
- I treat every person with respect.
- I have a sense of belonging in a community of people / friends.
- I have satisfying social interactions with others.
- I would describe myself as a lifelong learner.
- I take risks and learn from my mistakes.
- I seek opportunities that challenge my critical thinking skills.
- I pursue mentally stimulating interests or hobbies.
- I commit time and energy to professional and self-development.
- I have chosen a job role that I enjoy and that matches my values and lifestyle.
- My work benefits individuals and or society.
- My beliefs/values surrounding money are harmonious with my behavior.
- I have financial plans for the future.
- I balance work with play and other aspects of my life.
- I am aware of my surroundings at all times.
- I do volunteer work and offer my time to worthy causes.
- I take personal and social responsibility for creating a sustainable impact.
- I do not waste. (i.e. I am conscious of waste in regards to food, trash, excessive usage of environmental resources).
- I recycle when I can and try to live in harmony with nature and the universe.
- I feel a connection to something larger than myself.
- I have a sense of purpose and meaning in my life.
- I meditate, practice yoga, pray or engage in some type of growth practice daily.
- I trust others.
- I am able to forgive others and myself. I embrace letting go.
- Which section of your wheel is filled in the most?
- Which section is filled in the least?
- Did anything surprise you? Did you have any Ah-ha moments?
- Has anyone done this wheel before?
- How has it changed?
- Keep track of your emotions through a journal.
- Join a support group. The word support refers to anything in your life that gives you hope, help, trust or love.
- Be open. Share your feelings with people close to you.
- Practice Skyterra’s positive perception strategies for resilience (mindfulness, walking, talking, practicing gratitude, and professional support).
- Focus on consistent movement.
- Follow Skyterra’s Nutrition Plan.
- Engage in strength training 2-4 days/week for 30 minutes.
- Engage in low intensity activity 2-5 days a week for 30 minutes.
- Engage in mobility for 10 minutes each day.
- Do a good deed for someone else.
- Eat dinner as a family.
- Telephone a friend- tell them about Skyterra
- Plan a social outing with friends and or family.
- Read a book.
- Engage in activities that further your education or hobby interest.
- Join a book club, bridge club, puzzle club- stimulate the brain!
- Assess your ability, desire and need to work.
- Look into professional development. (Taking continuing education classes in your field of expertise or trade of desire).
- Develop leadership skills by volunteering at a charitable organization.
- Update your resume.
- Start recycling.
- Start being mindful of personal energy usage (electric, water, etc.)
- Compost, grow a plant or build and tend to your own garden.
- Volunteer or organize a community “clean-up”.
- Be quiet. Take time for yourself everyday- even if it’s just before you go to sleep.
- Practice self-care.
- Practice forgiveness of others and of yourself.
- Practice being non-judgmental and having an open mind.
- Be receptive to times of pain and or sorrow. It is often these times that we discover how spirituality can help us cope.
- Nourish a spiritual practice daily; prayer, yoga, meditation, devotionals, etc.
- Live with joy in the heart. Honor the journey and not just the destination.