Supplemental Talk: Get in the Zone!

What is Zone 2? Zone 2 is defined as the highest metabolic output/work that you can sustain while keeping your lactate level below two millimole per liter. In other words, this is a lower intensity, aerobic zone that utilizes fat as an energy substrate.

Calculating Your Zone 2

208 – (0.7 x  Age) = Maximum Heart Rate

Maximum Heart Rate X (.60-.70) = Zone 2 Heart Rate Range

Example:      208 – (60 x 0.7) = 166       166 x (.60-.70) = 100-116 BPM

How else will I know? Talk Test/Nose to Nose Breathing:

While performing your preferred exercise, can you hold an “uncomfortable” conversation with someone nearby? You should be able to speak in complete sentences, but the conversation feels taxed. Can you sustain this level of exertion while inhaling and exhaling only through your nose?

What is my ideal workout length?

Build your Zone 2 capacity over the first 1-3 months of your training program. To start, aim for 2-3 sessions per week at 20-30 minutes in duration. A push goal would be 150-200 minutes of Zone 2 training per week! Take your time and work toward this incrementally.