Supplemental Talk: The Power of Plants

Foundations of a Healthy Garden: Soil!

Plants grown in soil with the ideal composition will…

  • Grow bigger
  • Have fewer pest and disease problems
  • Contain more nutrients
  • Need less watering.

How can I improve my garden soil?

  • Classify Composition: get your hands in the dirt and feel your soil. Is it sandy or clay? Dry or wet? What color is it? Are there worms or other signs of life?
  • Determine Deficiencies: you can test your soil for free from your county’s Agriculture Extension Office
  • Incorporate Amendments: chances are, most problems with soil can be improved by….COMPOSTING!

Why is Composting so Important?

Get in the (Grow) Zone

Some questions to ask yourself before starting your outdoor garden space:

  • How hot or cold does my zone get on average?
  • What are my frost dates?
  • What plants will grow in my zone?
  • When is the best time to plant in my zone?

Knowing varieties suited for your region will ensure greater success and fewer problems!

How to read a plant tag:

All about Companion Planting

Common companions:

  • Parsley and basil with asparagus
  • Spinach, lettuce, and cabbage with peas
  • Corn and summer savory with beans
  • Cilantro with spinach
  • Onions with carrots
  • Catnip with eggplant
  • Basil and onions with tomatoes
  • Mint and thyme with brassicas
  • Nasturtiums and radishes with cucumbers
  • And many more…

Scent Masking: 

Rule of thumb to deter pesky insects: Highly fragrant herbs and flowers confuse their senses!

Beneficial insect attractants:

  • Plant us near your garden for beautiful flowers and healthy produce!
    • Sunflowers
    • Zinnias
    • Fennel
    • Dill
    • Anise
    • Coriander
    • Asters
    • Yarrow
    • Angelica
    • Chamomile
    • Goldenrod
    • Marigold and more…