Skyterra Nutrition at Home
Week Three
Welcome to the third week of Skyterra Nutrition at Home.
This week is all about getting in the habit of meal planning. Set yourself up so you can avoid the last-minute question “What am I going to eat?” This habit can take time to cultivate so aim to slowly integrate this into each week.
A glimpse into this week’s lineup:
- Mindfully create a meal plan
- Write a grocery list
- Prepare recipes
- Keep your breakfast streak going
- Continue to follow the Skyterra Plate
- Write a journal entry about the first half of this program.
Mindful Eating Task
1. Mindfully create a meal plan that meets your needs
This week’s Mindful Eating Task involves creating a meal plan, writing a grocery list, and executing your meal plan so you have nutrient-dense meals all week long.
Your meal plan does not need to be overly complicated. The key is finding a system that works best for you. Do not feel as though you need to make everything from scratch. Be sure to review this week’s Culinary Task before beginning your meal planning.
Here are a few helpful steps to follow:
- Write down one to three breakfast ideas for the week.
- Write down three to four lunch ideas. Keep it simple with salads, soups, sandwiches, wraps, bowls, etc. Remember that leftovers can be extremely helpful, so skip to writing dinner ideas if you’re out of lunch ideas.
- Write six to seven dinner ideas that include protein, starch/carb, non-starchy vegetables, fat sources and any sauces or dressings of your choice. Allow dinner to be more creative.
Create your meal plan using the following template: Weekly Meal Planning Worksheet
Watch this video on meal planning:
2. Write a grocery list
Using your meal plan, write a grocery list. Use these tools if you need brand recommendations: Brands & Grocery List, Plant-Forward Brands.
Culinary Task
3. Prepare recipes that honor your meal plan
Let’s get cooking! The following recipes are great to integrate into your meal plan. You do not have to make all of these in one day; prepare over the course of the week. If you are extremely busy during the week, plan to make them toward the beginning of your week.
- Turkey Meatloaf (loaded with veggies and freezer-friendly)
- Tomato Shallot Gravy (more like a hardy sauce)
- Butternut Curry Bisque (great for any time of year, freezer-friendly)
- Nutty Chicken (pairs well with any dinner sides or over salad)
- Check out Skyterra at Home Recipes for more options!
Nutrition Task
This week’s Nutrition Task continues the work you’ve already accomplished in this program.
4. Keep your breakfast streak going
5. Continue to follow the Skyterra Plate at dinner to ensure you’re consuming adequate vegetables.
Need a refresher? Watch this video from Week One about the Skyterra Plate:
Journal Task
6. Write a journal entry about the first half of this program
As you approach the end of your first half of the program, take time to write about some highlights. Of what are you most proud? What has helped you succeed?