Podcast Episodes

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68. Five-Minute Focus: How to Avoid Decision-Making Fatigue

68. Five-Minute Focus: How to Avoid Decision-Making Fatigue

April 26, 2021

Part of what shapes our lives are the decisions we make. Part of what allows us to improve and move forward are our decisions. That’s special thing.

67. Health at Every Size: Why Everything You Know About Body Beliefs is Wrong

67. Health at Every Size: Why Everything You Know About Body Beliefs is Wrong

April 19, 2021

Society places so much emphasis on weight loss, and research confirms this may be doing more harm than good. In Part 1 of this three-part series, we discuss the concept of Health at Every Size, the obesity paradox, and why our body beliefs are wrong.

66. Five-Minute Focus:  The One Thing You Need to Know to Build Your Endurance

66. Five-Minute Focus: The One Thing You Need to Know to Build Your Endurance

April 12, 2021

Fitness trackers can be powerful, but be sure that awareness of the numbers doesn’t decrease your enjoyment. Find out why and how you can avoid overtracking.

65. Why You Need to Break Up With Your Fitness Tracker

65. Why You Need to Break Up With Your Fitness Tracker

April 5, 2021

Fitness trackers can be powerful, but be sure that awareness of the numbers doesn’t decrease your enjoyment. Find out why and how you can avoid overtracking.

64. Five-Minute Focus: The Sneaky Power of Mirror Moments

64. Five-Minute Focus: The Sneaky Power of Mirror Moments

March 29, 2021

No matter who we are we all have to take a step back and take stock of ourselves. Often, it’s the only way to move forward.

63. Why strength training is what you have been missing

63. Why strength training is what you have been missing

March 22, 2021

Strength training is an essential component of a fitness routine, but it does not have to be overly complicated. Find out why it’s so important, and how to incorporate an easy strength-training routine.

62. Five-Minute Focus: How to Show Up With Passion Every Day

62. Five-Minute Focus: How to Show Up With Passion Every Day

March 15, 2021

Showing up with passion often means being present and willing to suffer for what you love. The fact of the matter is that you deserve to live out your passion. You deserve to always have a purpose in life. When you show up at work or show up with your family, you have a strong voice. Your voice is important.

61. Five-Minute Focus: Be Careful With This One Thing You Do Every Day

61. Five-Minute Focus: Be Careful With This One Thing You Do Every Day

March 8, 2021

It’s easy to do. It’s hard to avoid. It goes unnoticed, but is far more dangerous than any of us give it credit. It feels healthy at times. It even makes you feel better. What is today’s topic? Complaining.

60. Bulletproof Habits: How to Make New Habits Stick

60. Bulletproof Habits: How to Make New Habits Stick

March 1, 2021

On today’s final episode of Building Bulletproof Habits, Jeff and Rachael reveal how to make your new habits a long-term part of your life.

59. Bulletproof Habits: The Science Behind How Habits Work

59. Bulletproof Habits: The Science Behind How Habits Work

February 22, 2021

On today’s third installment of Building Bulletproof Habits, Jeff and Rachael discuss the science behind how habits work.

58. Bulletproof Habits: Why Terminology Matters

58. Bulletproof Habits: Why Terminology Matters

February 15, 2021

When it comes to habits, how you describe your habits, goals and outcomes matters. Find out why in today’s second episode of Building Bullet-proof Habits.

56: Building Bullet-Proof Habits for Long-Term Success

56: Building Bullet-Proof Habits for Long-Term Success

February 8, 2021

Today starts the first in a four-part series on the science behind building healthy habits.